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Ohio House District 19 - Marian's running!!!


My first live blog - and my first run for political office! Dave - your questions are terrific. I look forward to addressing the issues you raised at the start of the live blog. We've been under one party rule for more than 12 years and we are living the consequences of one party rule. Hopefully that will change come November.

Start posting your questions at 8 pm and I look forward to answering them.


Posted by MarianOhio on May 8, 2006 at 06:12 PM | Permalink


Good Evening Marian!
This is really great that you've joined us at MViMV tonight. My mother's family came and still mostly live in Massillion, OH! So I consider this a real honor to have you on board tonight, and look forward to a great discussion during the next hour. I too like Dave's questions - how do we deal with corruption, bad air & water, poor schools, loss of good jobs, no planning - and a big question about the honestly of the votes in the last Presidential election?

Posted by: Bob | May 8, 2006 7:48:24 PM

There are so many issues that we have to deal with. I think my primary concern is education and the way we fund it - after Supreme Court decisions finding our method unconstitutional we MUST find a better way - I have some ideas posted on my web site. Education is a foundation - a growing economy needs an educated work force and companies wown't move to an area with lousy schools - so let's starts with the basics!

Posted by: Marianohio | May 8, 2006 7:56:06 PM

Marian - I totally agree. We're selling our youth short by always trying to figure out how to save on taxes when it comes to education. What initial step[s] would you take in Columbus to bring that change about?

Posted by: Bob | May 8, 2006 8:00:13 PM

I'm wondering if we can get this started without overly using the phrases that national and state Democratic Parties keep pounding over and over.

I've heard or read "one party rule" and "culture of corruption" lines a hundred times and frankly I'd rather read what YOU plan to do differently, if elected, rather than everything your opposition has done for the last 15 years that they've been in power statewide.

With that in mind, I saw your website and noticed that you are concerned about electronic voting machines and are telling everyone to vote absentee. While this is a short term band aid, what do you plan to do to make elections fair and honest?

What individuals and groups will you work with to make sure our democracy in Ohio is restored from the horrendous mess Ken Blackwell has been creating?

Which state representatives and senators are the most proactive about ensuring our elections are secure and that every vote gets counted?

What do you think should be done about the recent primary election Diebold debacle that just happened in Cuyahoga County?

Posted by: Abbey | May 8, 2006 8:00:43 PM

Briefly, I would require the Dept of Education to determine the actual cost of educating our children and funding that accordingly - currently, there is a pot of money set aside for educaation and all the kids have to fit in it. In addition there is much too much reliance on personal property taxes - again more details on my website!

Posted by: Marian Harris | May 8, 2006 8:02:26 PM

Abbey - First I would enact a law that would forbid the Secy. Of State from running or supporting a candidate - talk about conflict of interest!! Secondly, I would make sure that education was a primary focus - teaching both the public and the poll workers the proper way to vote.

Posted by: Marian Harris | May 8, 2006 8:05:31 PM

Marian - When you address a group or crowd, how do you get them excited about your message and the issues?

Posted by: Bob | May 8, 2006 8:13:29 PM

Marian, your district has two famous Republicans, billionaire Les Wexner and Pastor Rod Parsley. Do you happen to know how much money they have given your incumbent opponent so far in this and in the last election?

Posted by: Ed Nyhan | May 8, 2006 8:13:46 PM

How do I get them excited? I guess because I feel so passionate about the issues and so dedicated to doing something. I tell my story - 30 years behind the scenes, never ran but this is the year - We have to change the direction the state is going. I talk about the kind of Ohio my grandchildren should grow up in - believe me I get carried away when I'm on my soapbox!!

Posted by: Marian Harris | May 8, 2006 8:15:43 PM

Given the likely fact that Republicans will still control the Ohio House and Senate. How would you go about getting your bill passed?

Would you enact the same legislation if Jennifer Brunner gets elected to Secretary of State?

How does educating poll workers and voters "the proper way to vote" help ensure fair and honest elections when electronic voting machines are fundamentally insecure and hackable?

Would it not be better to propose legislation to require hand-counted paper ballots until such a time that electronic voting technology becomes more secure?

Isn't this what you're doing by suggesting to everyone that they should vote absentee during the upcoming general election? That's at least "paper ballots" that could be hand counted if a recount is necessary.

What is you position on current electronic voting technology?

Posted by: Abbey | May 8, 2006 8:17:16 PM

Hi Ed -
Ron Parsley has not given any money to Flowers, Wexner has given at least 2500 - and I'm going to work on Abigail becaise she cares about kids!

Posted by: Marian Harris | May 8, 2006 8:17:27 PM

Abbey - I think people are fed up with the way elections have been going - Jennifer herself has said that the Secy of State should remain neutral and not be involved with other campaigns. I would engage both sides of the aissle in discusssing this issue and hope that I could succeed

I think electronic voting is the future and we just have to be sure that we have all the necessary safeguards - human and otherwise - in place.

Posted by: Marian Harris | May 8, 2006 8:20:45 PM

Marian, Thank you so much for running for office! I appreciate you for fighting the good fight.

I liked your comment, "I would enact a law that would forbid the Secy. Of State from running or supporting a candidate - talk about conflict of interest!!"

Posted by: Charlene | May 8, 2006 8:25:38 PM

Hi Charlene - thanks for the kind words - this is fun!

Posted by: Marian Harris | May 8, 2006 8:27:17 PM

Marian - you mention "engaging" both sides of an issue..in hopes of bringing about success. Going back to Dave's previous remarks - who and how would you engage sides to bringing about change in creating good jobs in Ohio? And what is a good job?

Posted by: Bob | May 8, 2006 8:27:27 PM

I would want to engage our universities, high tech and innovative companies - we need to look toward the future - toward alternative energy resources and technology. A good job is one that provides a living wage (not necessarily a minimum wage!), provides health coverage and opportunity for personal growth.

Posted by: Marian Harris | May 8, 2006 8:30:43 PM

Re: Electronic Voting

Marian - I'll quote what you wrote on your website

"Went to a meeting of the Eastside Democratic Club where there was a demonstration of the new voting machine. I’m concerned - if their computer behaves like mine does, we’re in trouble. And for folks who are not used to computers - well a poll worker will have to show them how. Not a great idea. I’m encouraging everyone to vote absentee."

Marian, I'll ask again ...

Even IF "electronic voting is the future," how can we CURRENTLY safeguard that every vote is counted fairly and honestly? What do you plan to do to demand that this happens NOW? Shouldn't this be at the top of your issues in order to help ensure that you get a fair shot at being elected?

I say this because of my deep concern that few if any Progressive/Democrat ideals will ever become reality if the electronic voting machines are rigged to keep Progressives out of office.

Posted by: Abbey | May 8, 2006 8:33:21 PM

I agree with Abbey - in my district we still have the old pull-lever machines that continue to fail. "That" is a grassroots problem - to challenge the "powers" to "allow" everyone's vote to count!

Posted by: Bob | May 8, 2006 8:37:50 PM

Abbey - I hear your concerns. Our DFA Central Ohio group has heard from most of the voting reform groups. There needs to be oversight without panic and an impartial Secy of State to oversee elections. And there must be adequate funding at the local levels to provide technical and human oversight. Franklin County seemed to perform okay - the problems in Cleveland must be addressed and fixed. And certainly if there is an issue with machines then that should be addressed through the company or replacing the machines. And Absentee voting would solve many problems it's fast, efficient and not done with a machine. The state of Washington is a prime example.

Posted by: Marian Harris | May 8, 2006 8:38:46 PM

Marian - are you talking about absentee ballots or early ballots like in Oregon. Personally I'd vote early if given the chance - to avoid machines - electronic or not. During the last Presidential elections it was contended that overseas "early" miliatry votes actually set the pace for the final results...

Posted by: Bob | May 8, 2006 8:43:44 PM

Bob - I'm talking about absentee ballots and anyone who wants one can now get one in Ohio - I don't know how early an absentee ballot can be requested and cast.

Posted by: Marian Harris | May 8, 2006 8:45:44 PM

I'm curious - why would anybody want to cast an absentee ballot "if" they're still in town? Why would they be available to everybody? This seems a tad "tricky" to me...

Posted by: Bob | May 8, 2006 8:47:56 PM

Ohio has no fault absenetee balloting - avoid the lines, avoid the bad whether, avoid feeling rushed. It's great to sit down at your dining room table and figure out who and what to vote for, especially when there are multiple initiative on the ballot.

Posted by: Marian Harris | May 8, 2006 8:49:34 PM

In a climate of mistrust and unsafe elections, I'd feel better knowing that my vote was on paper and could be easily recounted.

Posted by: Charlene | May 8, 2006 8:50:34 PM

That's an absentee ballot! You're right - it makes me feel more secure.

Posted by: Marian Harris | May 8, 2006 8:51:39 PM

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